
The Making of Kings

Bewilderment is the word that comes to mind. To observe the aftermath of the revelations of Jeremiah Wright's (I cannot bear to call him Reverend) rantings is to observe events that would be unbelievable if they appeared in a fiction novel. Yet now, in 2008 in the United States, We The People have an up close and personal show of maniacle rantings and take no action.

Beyond Belief. Is there actually ANYONE who still supports Obama? Terrifyingly, yes. His affiliation with monsters has not deterred the American people. We have partaken of some drug, some hyptonic sleight-of-hand, and chosen to conduct ourselves as though business is still as usual.

Thirty years ago, we slowly turned our backs against religion and worship. It began with another ranting - words that reached a Supreme Court - that led to the abolishment of a "moment of silence and meditation." As time passed, the moral compass that religion provided, eroded, with fragments dropping off like old plaster in an abandoned building.

Yet, we still need to worship. We have rejected our independence, our passion for the individual, for courage, hard work and strength. We have replaced that with a sense of hopelessness, of weakness, of inability. That has led us to turn to heroes to fulfill our dreams, where we were once responsible for their fulfillment.

Now, to honor monsters, the charming sheep of the degraded "parish" in Chicago are BUILDING a mansion for their god. His horrific rantings have assured him of a place high in their hearts. Instead of an outcry to shake the world, we hear the sound of carpenters.

We have foresaken ourselves. We deserve whatever we get.

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