
There is so much to say about Spitzer's revelation that I don't know where to begin. We have heard the news as well as the pundits, so now, even after only a few hours, the information begins to go stale. From the moment that I saw the news, I knew that I had to post what I thought and felt. And I don't feel terrific. So I'm going to use words that we don't often hear in our politically correct world - slave, bum, cheat, liar.

For me it is not as much about Spitzer's actions as it is about his wife's actions. So I will address that now.

I was sitting with a group of colleagues, all of us watching Spitzer's very abbreviated press conference.

Why, exactly, was she doing there? The phrase "to lend support to her husband" is beginning to stink to high heaven. Why, exactly, does she want to support him? Why does he deserve it?

It probably was not too long ago that Hillary did the same ridiculous thing. I was disgusted then and I am disgusted now. Any woman who stands in front of the whole world, supporting a powerful, wealthy husband who conducts himself in this manner, is certainly far away from my type of woman.

Here's what I would have loved to see: I would have loved to watch her standing there, listening to the nauseating 1 minute false apology, and then, when he was finished, she would turn to face him, reach her arm behind her as far as possible, like a pitcher does during the wind-up, and then SMACK him across the face as hard as possible. Hopefully, a few teeth would have flown out of his lying cheating mouth.

Now THAT would have been a statement about Women's Liberation!

Not a chance. She stood there like a mute slave, unable to speak, ashamed, the object of pity.

You know why men do what they do? Because women cowards let them.

My colleagues said that it was about the money. That the money, and all that went with it, was more important. Then don't call yourself LIBERATED and a FEMINIST, because you are a SLAVE to MEN and to MONEY.

A truly liberated woman does not need a man OR his money. And the law degree obviously has no meaning. It takes more than a degree and the executive suite to define liberation. It takes more than an expensive suit to define strength and courage.

My mom stayed home and took care of us. She doesn't have a law degree, or an expensive house, or expensive clothes. Just a regular Mom. But, I tell you this,
she would NEVER LET A MAN DO THIS TO HER - no way!

As I listened to the callers to the various radio talk shows, I was stunned by the number of people, both male and female, who, although shocked, "understood" that this sort of thing happens. True, they felt, by a margin of about 7/3, that our disgraceful governor should step down. But some even had the audacity to use EUROPE as some sort of standard for political conduct. And there was an interesting concession to the notion that this is a victimless crime.

REALLY! What about the three daughters? At best, their friends will feel embarrassed and sorry for them. At worst, they will be the object of tasteless jokes. Both situations are unacceptable, and they will have been victimized.

What about We The People of New York? This seems so painfully obvious that I cannot believe that nobody has stated it outright: If this BUM lies to his WIFE and DAUGHTERS, then precisely how can the people of New York trust him with ANYTHING?

It's time to go backwards - perhaps a few embarrassing slaps across the face would save some daughters from months of disgrace and embarrassment. And also save We The People from governments, both local and federal, that disregard our basic belief systems, our morality, and the ideas and institutions that we have held so dear.

What institution? Everyone forgot I suppose. That would be the institution of marriage - Mr. and Mrs. Spitzer are MARRIED. That is supposed to mean something. Evidently not. Not to them. And not to the people.

The "Women's Liberation" movement has been around since the early 1970s. Enough already. We are far less liberated than we were then. Burning bras did nothing for us, as they never could have. Earning degrees and securing executive positions separated us from ourselves. We were told that we could Bring Home the Bacon and Fry it up in the Pan. Terrific! Before we became LIBERATED, we only had to fry it. After LIBERATION, we also had to bring it home! How blind were we? How easily led!

And we have "high-powered" women to set the standard for us. The pathetic Mrs. Clinton and the equally pathetic Mrs. Spitzer.

Are we SERIOUSLY considering voting for a WOMAN for our PRESIDENT? I cannot think of anything more frightening.

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