
The Shame of the United States

In 1939, the Nazi machine in Germany, led by their hypnotic and beloved Adolf Hitler, was engaged in the systematic genocide of groups of people that they considered sub-human. The most noteworthy groups were the Jews, but they were not the exclusive group. Coupled with the horror and rage upon discovery of the death camps came the terrible question, "How could this have happened?"

Now we know.

Under the false mantle of freedom of speech, the United States, exemplified in the hallowed walls of Columbia University, has INVITED a monster, killer, extinguisher of freedoms, to speak inside of its walls. There is no excuse or apology that can be considered sufficient to absolve them, and by extension, all of us, for the depravity of this day.

Anyone who was awake on 9/24/2007 saw, heard and read the news. We saw protesters against and in favor of Ahmadinjad. What we did not see was enough of the protests. Most of us went to work, to school, and carried on our daily business. As responsible citizens, this IS what we do. But today should have been a day that was different. Today was a day that we all should have stopped what we were doing and cried a resounding "NO!"

But We the People could not. We are, after all, the people who make it possible for governments and universities to subvert all of our freedoms when they permit this horror to continue. We tolerated this because we always tolerate. We watched, wept, burst with rage, yet managed to go to our offices and schools and live up to our responsibilities as if this visit and speech were just another example of misplaced Constitutional understanding.

But no, it is far, far more than that. Our silence was our permssion; it was our seal of approval for a monster, and the outward welcome that he received. Our silence will be our death. We deserve it.

How could it have happened in 1939, 40, 41, etc.? It happened while the citizens of Germany turned away from the rancid smell of burning flesh. After all, the Nazi party was doing what was best for the country, was it not? And now, all these years later, the bastion of academics is doing what is best for the freedom of speech.

The hypocrisy of the university is beyond belief. The second-grader would be able to clearly see through that. While the Minutemen will not be invited again, and ROTC disallowed, it is more than clear that open debate comprised of differing opinions is the farthest thing from the minds of the academics at Columbia. But, put the double standard aside. Operate on the
assumption that Dick Cheney will be speaking their soon, with Ann Coulter an invited guest the week after. The university should not have invited the Iranian "leader" to disgrace the grounds of an academic institution.

Watching the students the evening before, we heard how they wanted to hear what Ahmadinejad had to say. Why? Haven't they heard enough? Is is possible that any living female is remotely interested in what he has to say? Here, in the United States, where there is screaming to allow women to enjoy every possible freedom, the women at Columbia seemed not to mind the invitation to a leader of a country that dimishes its women in every way imaginable.
Where is NOW - The National Organization of Women? Which women, precisely, do they represent? Not one that I know.

And what of our government, and our president? Where is the outrage? Why did they permit Ahmadinejad to enter the country at all? We are all screaming over the opportunities that Clinton had to apprehend or kill Osama Bin Laden; now we have a mass murderer entering our borders, and NOTHING at all is done. This seems far more grievous.

More disgracefully, the State Department, in response to an outcry by the Muslim world which stated its resentment over the phrase Islamo-Fascist, stated that the United States understands that Islam is a religion of peace, and is one of the great religions of the world. Really? A religion of peace? While it may be true that not all Muslims are terrorists, NEARLY EVERY TERRORIST THROUGHOUT THE WORLD IS A MUSLIM.

How is it possible that an entire world has become so frightened of these people to the point of inviting them, apologizing for them, and supporting schools for them? Is it the fact that we all know that these people are truly madmen, and we are frightened to our very core?

Fear should not be the way that we deal with global cancer. INTOLERANCE is what We the People need to embrace, and to spread throughout the world. We the People will not tolerate a machete at our throats. We the People will not tolerate Imams that spread hatred and destruction. We the People will not tolerate leaders who deny the Holocaust, who provide weapons to our enemies, who abuse women, who engage in torture, and who kidnap and hold hostage our fellow citizens for 444 days.

What could We the People have done? We could have followed John Galt and stopped the motor of the world. We could have gone on strike. No worker should have gone to work. No parent should have sent a child to school. No car should have been driven. No store should have been visited. But...we were too otherwise occupied.

Our shame is most likely beyond what we can atone for.

In the words of the brilliant and courageous Elie Weisel, "We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."

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