
Can We Enjoy Our Summer?

It seems as though we are continually being bombarded with bad news. Consider some of the things that are occupying the newswaves, airwaves, and cyberwaves:

Global Warming
Something VERY scary is happening there. Now, Europe is considering ILLEGALIZING sports cars. Other groups are saying that since it is humanity that is causing the global warming problem, we must consider how important humanity really is. Huh?

Fairness Doctrine
Now we are so concerned over balanced discussions on talk radio, we are contemplating regulating that type of speech. What about the severely left-tilted news media? And the disgracefully left-tilting population of university professors and university courses? Are we to insist that we have "fairness" in those venues? We probably should. But We The People
sit silently, believing in the Constitution, and relying on that document to support us in times of crisis. We adhere to the principle of freedom of speech down to its core, and any discussion to the contrary should be raising RED FLAGS all over the place.

Is this for real? Do people truly have nothing better to do than dig up dirt on our polticians and call in to report sex scandals. Are there truly no bigger issues? Huh?

Hate Crime Expansion
Senator Kennedy wants to expand the Hate Crimes doctrines to include homosexuals. Where is this legislation being placed? In the Defense Bill. Huh?

Toxic Food
Now we have to worry about food coming from China. Some of it appears to be contaminated. We the People would like country-of-origin labeling on all of our food. This may fall under the category of hate crime. Huh?

Drug Cartels from Mexico
The news is telling us that an enormous amount of drug trafficking is taking place along the southern border. It is becoming a problem. They are also reporting that marajuana cultivation has significantly risen in the U.S. Huh?

Rising Islamic Hatred
Last week, We the People got to watch some video that had been released from mosques in England. Blatant hatred of the West, vows to kill infidels, a world takeover by islam. Are We the People surprised? We know that this happens in the US as well. Funny, this does not seem to qualify as a hate crime. Huh?

We the People need a break. Summertime in the US should be a happy, lazy, loving time. We need to remember that. We need to spend time with the people that we love. Go to free concerts in the park. Swim in the ocean. Pack a picnic. The US offers us bliss; we only have to get up and engage it it.

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