
Is Everything Bleak?

Israel and Lebanon are bombing each other. Everyone hates the US and its president. Gas prices are $72 per barrel. Snipers and rapists in Arizona. Kim Jong Mentally-Il. It certainly seems that we have nothing to be happy about, and quite a bit to worry about.

Sure, we can say that we seem to be hanging on the brink of a World War (what, precisely, has been going on for the past 5 years?). We aren't sure whether or not we'll be here tomorrow.
Maybe that is precisely the point. Maybe we need to live our lives and find things that are worth appreciating. And then, Appreciate Them! That doesn't mean that we think about them for a few minutes before we fall asleep. It means that we appreciate them in their presence, whether they are people, or things, or places. Enjoy our families, our homes, schools, places of work, and the worlds that we occupy on a day-to-day basis. It is true - we don't know what tomorrow will bring. SO - why think about it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Greed has seaped into every part of the government and the business world and corrupted everyone. The good and mannered people of America need a voice, they need someone to stand behind that will make the changes and laws to protect us from the greedy, war mongers and allow us to build our country into a great place to live and work with out fear of cowardly terrorism, corruption, and crime. Take out the corporate control, bring back open competition, severe punsihment to those who break the laws. It has started with groups refusing to eat food made with no thought to the humane treatment of the animals or the people working for them. hundres of corporate farms are going under and we are beginning to pay attention, it is about time. Now to just be able to find someone with some ethics, strength of character and honesty.......